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2 min read
WEEK 5 Update: 10th June 2024

What We Will Learn This Quater (Q2)

Week 5 lessons and book activities:

Book Activities:

Word Bank: Number 5

EU Workbook: pages 12-13

Grammar: Plural Nounspages 20-30

Q1 BEST Project: AlAbout Me


Everybody Up (Unit 2)

  1. Lessons 1: In The Woods
  2. Lesson 2: Making Camp


  1. Week 5: Plural Nouns
  2. Week 6: Collective Nouns
  3. Week 7 Genders of Nouns
  4. Week 8: Pronouns


Word Bank

  1. Word Bank #5
  2. Word Bank #6
  3. Word Bank #7
  4. Word Bank #8

Week 4 Photos and Videos: