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9 min read
Week 7: Thursday, 23rd June 2022

We talked about our Q2 Project about "Camping Trip". After discussing the things that they need to do in their project, they were group into 6 with 6 members each for P5/1 and P6/2 was grouped into 5 with 5-6 members in each group. Group leaders were also chosen to lead and assign tasks to every members. This project was not just to grade them based on what they've learned in the last 2 quarters, but also to teach them how to work in group (collaboration), accepting and delegating tasks (being responsible and leadership), and enhance their ability in research-based learning (critical thinking).

P5/1 Groups

P5/2 Groups

Q2 Project: "Camping Trip"

---->>>> Click the photo to see the project details (คลิกที่ภาพเพื่อดูรายละเอียดโครงการ)





On Thursdays, students go to Smart Classroom to review all the lessons that they have learned within the week through Kahoot. All questions are made based from their book, and according to what they have learned. With this, retention and mastery of the subject matter will be promoted.