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13 min read
Week 7: Tuesday, 21st June 2022

P5/1 started with Word Bank #7 review. It was led by Non. Then we continued our lesson in Everybody Up. First, we reviewed the important words that they need to learn in the story. Next, I let them read the story altogether. Then, we talked about the story. I asked them questions about the story for them to understand it more and to assess their comprehension. After that, they listened to the Unit song —Which Way Is the Coffee Shop, and sang along with it. This was to help them remember the target conversation. We practiced the conversation, and I let them practice it with their classmates using real life situations. 

In the afternoon, we continued to practice the target conversation while they were answering their Everybody Up workbooks. Then, we checked the answers together.

P5/2 also practiced their Word Bank #7. It was led by Best. Students are now gaining more and more confidence. As most of them wanted to lead the practice. It's just unfortunate that we don't have much time to accommodate everyone. But I promise them that everybody will have a fair share in the future. We also reviewed the things that we studied yesterday in Everybody Up. Pookun led the practiced in Everybody Up words. As we practiced the target conversation, they were answering their workbooks. After they answered, we checked the answers together.

Word Bank #7 Practice with Non (P5/1)

Word Bank #7 Practice with Best (P5/2)

Everybody Up words practice with Pookun(P5/2)

Everybody Up Target Conversation Practice





Students reviewed their Everybody topic. They answered first their Extra English Workbook. Then, they practiced and acted the target conversation.