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13 min read
Week 15, Monday, 15th August 2022

     Both classes started their week with the introduction of Word Bank #13. I discussed the vocabulary to them then we talked about them and we also practiced the pronunciation. They also practiced the vocabulary with their classmates. P5/1 practice was led by Vlada and P5/2 was led by Tubtim.

     After discussing the Word Bank, we started our new lesson in Everybody up — Unit 4: The Amazon Rain Forest, Lesson 1: Comparisons. We talked about the phrases and the characteristics of the animals in the book. we also talked about the Grammar points —Comparative Adjectives, it's rules and usage. Then, they practiced it with their classmates. P5/1 was led by Poom, and P5/2 as led by Asia. 

     They also did the Section B of their student book which is the listening part. They listened to the audio recording and numbered their book.

Everybody Up: Unit 4: The Amazon Rain Forest: Lesson 1: Comparisons

Word Bank #13

Word Bank #13 practice with Vlada (P5/1)

Word Bank #13 practice with Tubtim (P5/2)

Everybody Up: Unit 4: : Lesson 1: Phrases

Everybody Up:  Phrases practice with Poom (P5/1)

Everybody Up:  Phrases practice with Asia (P5/2)




Extra English

     Students studied and practiced their Word Bank #13 in Smart Classroom. They use our memrise website to practice the vocabulary.