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9 min read
Week 16, Monday, 22nd August 2022

     P5/1 and P5/2 started their week with their new vocabulary in Word Bank #14. I discussed the words to them and taught them the pronunciations. Then. w talked about the words and they practiced them with their classmates. P5/1 was led by Vlada and P5/2 was led by Rifle.

     After Word Bank #14, I discussed their Q4 project —Biomes of the Earth, to P5/1. P5/2 learned their new lesson in  Everybody Up, Unit 4; lesson 2: Comparisons. Tubtim led them with the practice of EU phrases. Then I discussed the target conversation and they practiced it among themselves.

Everybody Up: Unit 4: The Amazon Rain Forest: Lesson 2: Comparisons

Word Bank #14

Word Bank #14 practice with Vlada (P5/1)

Word Bank #14 practice with Rifle (P5/2)

Everybody Up: Unit 4: : Lesson 1: Phrases

Everybody Up:  Phrases practice with Tubtim (P5/2)




Extra English

     Extra English students learned and practiced the spelling and pronunciation of their Word Bank #14 on memrize.