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15 min read
Week 16, Wednesday, 24th August 2022

     P5/2 Reviewed their lessons in Everybody Up and their Word Bank #15. Word Bank practice was led by Phu, and Target Conversation review was led by Chevy and Focus.

     After the review, they answered their Everybody Up Workbook. Then, we rationalized and talked about the answers.

     P5/1 also reviewed their Word Bank led by Rohana, then they practiced the Target Language led by Vlada, Poom and Krit. After their review, they continued to learn with the rest of the topic. They learned and practiced the Target Conversation.

     In the afternoon, P5/1 answered their Everybody up Workbook.

Word Bank #14 practiced with Rohana (P5/1) 

Word Bank #14 practiced with Phu (P5/2)

Everybody Up: Unit 4: : Lesson 2: Target Language

EU:  Target Language practice with Vlada, Poom and Krit (P5/1)

Everybody Up: Unit 4: : Lesson 2: Target Conversation

EU:  Target Conversation practice with Chevy and Focus (P5/2)




Extra English

     Extra English students went to Smart Classroom to practiced their Word Bank #14 and played Kahoot about the topics in Everybody Up in preparation for their weekly assessment on the next day.