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4 min read
Week 13: Tuesday, 15th February 2022

P5/1 started their online class with Word Bank #11 review. I let them read the story: A New Friend, then we talked about it. We listened to the song so they can remember the target conversation easily. I let them practice the target conversation with their friends. 

It was followed by the introduction of Everybody Up Workbook. I guided them on how to answer the workbook exercises and gave them that as homework. 

P5/2: started the day with Word Bank #11 practice led by Maprang. Followed by the review of their Everybody Up lesson, which was reading: A new Friend. We talked about the story and asked them real story about how are they be friendly and what can they do to gain friends. We listened to the song and sang with it. This will help them remember the target conversation. They also practiced the target conversation with their friends.   

In the afternoon, they answered their EU workbooks, and we talked about their answers.


Word Bank Number 11 Review, by Maprang

Everybody Up, Unit 7: Lesson 3: Target Conversation


P5/1: Online Class:


EU: Lesson 3: A New Friend