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6 min read
Week 15: Tuesday, 1st March 2022

P5/1 reviewed first their Word Bank #13 led by Fithan. It was followed by Everybody Up, Unit 8: Lesson 1. They reviewed and practiced the phrases first with Tiger. After that, they listened again to the passage and we talked about the pictures in their books. I discussed the target language, conversation and Grammar points. They practiced the target language and conversation among their classmates. 

P5/2: is back to studying online, as they have found a new case. We started our lesson by reviewing the Word Bank #13. Mook led the practice and we talked about the photos in their books about the passage they have listened. I discussed the target language, conversation and the Grammar points. They also practice the target language and conversation among their classmates.

In the afternoon, P5/2 answered their workbook. We checked and talked about the answer after.

Target Language:

Affirmative: I've just turned on the computer.

Negative: I haven't turned on the computer yet.

Grammar Points:

Present Perfect

Sentence Structure: Subject + has / have / Verb 3 (past participle)

Target Conversation:

Question: Has he turned on the computer yet?

Answer: Yes, he has.

                 No, he hasn't.

Target Conversation Integration:

Question: Have you eaten your lunch yet?

Answer: Yes, I have.

                 No, I haven't.


Word Bank Number 13 Review with Fithan (P5/1)

Everybody Up, Unit 8: Lesson 1 Phrases with Tiger

Everybody Up, Target Language sample with Taytae




EU Student Book:

EU Workbook:
