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6 min read
Week 15: Wednesday, 2nd March 2022

P5/1: In the morning, we practiced our Word bank #13. It was led by Kun. It was followed by our review of Everybody Up phrases led Timer. We reviewed the topics that we discussed in Everybody Up, then we answered their workbooks. We talked about the answers after.

in the afternoon, P5/1 and P5/2 did Grammar — Sentences. We watched a video about sentences and I discussed the book to them. We practiced it by creating sentences. P5/2 did their Grammar online as they were set to come back to school on Friday.

Subject + Verb: 

E.g.: ManU and Fithan are fighting.

Subjects: ManU and Fithan

Verb: are fighting

Subject + Verb + Object: 

E.g.: Sally is making a doll.

Subject: Sally

Verb: is making

Object: a doll

Grammar Topic: Sentences


Word Bank 13 Practiced with Kun

EU Unit 8: Lesson 1 Phrases Review with Timer 13




Grammar: Sentences (Part 1)
