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5 min read
Week 17: Monday, 14th March 2022

Both classes di their Word Bank number 15. I explained the words to them, pronunciation and translation into Thai. We practiced the words together and their classmates led the daily word bank practice. P5/1 was led by Mahan, and P5/2 was led by Cheetah. Students are having fun doing this and they feel confident because they know that their classmates were leading the practice so they felt more relaxed. Students who led the practiced developed their confidence and conquer their stage fright.

After the Word Bank, we studied Everybody Unit 8: Lesson 3: Just a Minute. We talked about the meaning of the title of the story, practiced the sight words and they predicted the story by just looking at the photos. Then, they listened to the story.


Word Bank Number 15 with Mahan (P5/1)

Word Bank Number 15 with Cheetah (P5/2)


