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7 min read
Week 17: Wednesday, 16th March 2022

P5/1 Practiced their word bank number 15 for their weekly assessment on Fridays. Followed by the review of what they have learned in their student book, Unit 8: Lesson 3: Just A Minute. They also practiced their target conversation. I discussed and taught them how to answer their workbook. We did part by part and gave them ample time to do the rest by themselves. We check the workbook together and talked about the answer. Then, they read all the sentences in the exercises.  

In the afternoon classes (P5/1 and P5/2), they learned Grammar about 'Questions'. I assessed first their knowledge about questions and let them watch a video about the 'questions'. Then, I explained to them the things in their book. We practiced with some exercises. 

Grammar: Questions


Word Bank 15 Practiced with Fithan (P5/1)

Word Bank 15 Practiced with Title (P5/2)


