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14 min read
Week 2, Wednesday, 2nd November 2022

     Both classes reviewed their Word Bank #3 to start their classes. Mangkorn (P5/1) and Asia (P5/2) led the review in their classes. Nita (P5/2) did the Everybody Up vocab review.


  In the morning (1st English Period) P5/1 did their Word Bank review on www.memrise.com. Then they played Kahoot about our lesson in Everybody Up —Lesson 2: Adverb. In the afternoon, They reviewed the target conversation in Everybody Up. Japan and Cheetah, and  Mangkorn and Tonkhao for target conversation 2, before doing their new lesson in Grammar—Simple Present Tense.

     P5/2 continued their lesson in Everybody Up —Lesson 2, Adverb. They studied and practiced the target conversations 1 and 2, and the listening and speaking skills.

Grammar: Simple Present Tense

Word Bank #2 Practice: Mangkorn, P5/1

Word Bank #2 Practice: Asia, P5/2

EU Grammar Point: Adverb of Manner, Nita (P5/2)

EU Target Conversation 1: Japan and Cheetah (P5/1)

EU Target Conversation 2: Tonkhao and Mangkorn (P5/1)




Extra English