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14 min read
Week 6, Tuesday, 29th November 2022

     Both classes reviewed and practiced their Word Bank #6.  Cheetah (P5/1) and Nita (P5/2) led the practiced in their classes. 

     After reviewing what they have learnt yesterday in Everybody Up, P5/1 answered their Everybody Up Workbook. Then we check them together and discussed the answers. 

     P5/2 also reviewed Everybody Up before answering the workbook. They also practiced the target languages.

Word Bank #6 Practice with Cheetah, P5/1

Word Bank #6 Practice with Nita, P5/2

Everybody Up, Unit 6: Lesson 2: Words

EU: U6: L2 Words practice, Mangkorn, P5/1

EU: U6: L2 Words practice, Phu, P5/2




Extra English